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Online Coaching: The Next Frontier of Health and Fitness

Writer: Apex Physiques Apex Physiques

So you might be wondering, How does online coaching work.” Or, “What is it?

Well , both are great questions and we are here to answer them for you.

We work with clients from all over the world! So no matter where you are, we can help you achieve your health and physique goals!!! You might wondering, “Wait a minute! How is that possible and does it even work?”

The simple answer is YES!!!

Apex works with all types of clients. Both male and female, of different ages, that all have different fitness levels. From beginners all the way to advance athletes. We have worked with individuals who are in poor health with having to lose more than 70 lbs and are dependent on breathing machines and medications just to maintain some type of normalcy in their life. To parents who have busy lives and want to be a better role model for their children and create healthier homes. All the way down to client’s who are already in amazing shape and what to push their limits and compete in physique competitions, marathons, etc.

We are able to create programs for people who will be training out of their homes or in a gym. We do what we can to help client’s stay accountable and consistent. And work as a team with our clients. All of our programs are created by us, Troy and Jasmine. We take the time to thoroughly assess each client, right from their initial questionnaire all the way to the end of their service. We take pride in delivering quality service and have our client’s feel valued and appreciated.

So now what?


The next step once you are ready to get started is to choose the program that is right for you!!! We have two options contest prep or lifestyle. There you find several options that you can choose from alongside a description of what is included within that package. If you have further questions about what program is right for you, you can email us.

Still not convinced???

Let us point out a few more reasons as to why online coaching is effective

Results: As you can see in on our Transformation page, the proof is in the work! The results speak for themselves and that is why online coaching has become so popular. Ask yourself this, would you get better results on your own?

Convenience: Train when it fits your schedule and not someone else’s. Train anytime and anywhere. No time or location constraints. No more trying to beat rush hour traffic, or rescheduling appointments and stressing about not being able to workout.

Affordability: Cheaper for a month of online coaching than paying $60-100/hr for personal training, plus a gym membership. Not only are you saving money, you are saving time. If going to see a trainer is a hassle for you, what are the chances you will continue to go? Not likely. With online coaching you can avoid all of that and remove one more excuse to why you can’t get healthy and fit!

Value: You are getting top level, qualified, experienced, professionals guiding you to get into the best shape of your life. We offer a 24-48 hour response time with any questions or concerns that you may have. You can connect with us at anytime, where as with some personal training services, you only get the hour that you paid for for communicate with your trainer.

Customized/Attention: Client progress is reviewed every two weeks and programs are adjusted accordingly to keep you moving forward towards your goals. No more waiting to see your trainer and having to wait to hit that start button to keep you moving in the right direction.

Social Support: We have a private Facebook page where all of our Apex client have an opportunity to be apart of a family. It is an environment filled with wonderful, supportive, individuals who are there to celebrate your victories, lift you up during difficult times, share experiences, ask questions, etc. Having a community of social support is a huge variable when it comes to achieving goals!

The opportunities for YOU to get in the best shape of your life is right HERE!

Online training allows you to have your workout schedule and meal plan in the palm of your hand leaving you in TOTAL control.


Contact us to get you started TODAY!!!

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