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Sexy Books For Your Sexy Mind....Or, How About Just Some Good Reads

Writer: Apex Physiques Apex Physiques

It's day 3 of the 2017 and as normal, the majority of us have set new year's resolutions. We are basically running on a motivational high...for now that is. As the saying goes, what comes up, must come down and that also speaks truth to motivation. We know all too well that we have the intention to achieve these esolutions but soon find out that our "high" quickly fizzles out ; making it hard to stay inspired and focused. Motivation is fleeting so we must do things in order to keep us hungry for the reward.

We wrote this blog to help those who are excited with the possiblites of achievement and provide resources that can help sustain that mindset and feed our hunger and drive over time Whether you are a person that wants to get into shape, a new entrepreneur or a business owner that wants a quantum leap in your business, wanted to share the books we have enjoyed and provided us with inspiration as well as new perspectives and knowledge on ourselves and our business.

Our Mindset Favourites:

As A Man Thinketh By James Allen

177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class By Steve Siebold The Leader Who Has No Title By Robin Sharma Think & Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill Pitch Anything By Oren Klaff Power Of Awareness By Neville You2 By Price Pritchett The Power of Habit By Charles Duhigg Compound Effect By Darren Hardy

For The Ladies: You are a Badass By Jen Sincero The Gifts of Imperfection By Brene Brown

Currently Reading: Troy: Relentless By Tim Grover Jasmine: Influence The Psychology of Persuasion By Robert B. Cialdini & Cracking the Metabolic Code By James LaValle

Something we do when we read is highlight key parts that we find insightful . You might also find this helpful, especially when you are feeling in a slump and demotivated. You can quickly reference those highlights and not have to read the entire book. We will add this, if you do re-read a book, you will come across parts that you don’t recall reading the first time you read it, as the mind tends to wonder while reading. By the way, the best time for reading is first thing in the morning when your mind is fresh. It can really set the tone for the rest of your day.

One last thing, we once heard that leaders are readers. Being in charge of your own business or health requires being a leader. A mentor once told us that the person who does not read is no better off than the person who can not read. So, if you find a good book and learn something from it, pay it forward and buy a second copy and give it to someone who may just need it. You never know what a good book can do for someone.

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