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Apex Physiques

We want you to stop thinking about all the past failures you have made. The diet plans you did

not stick too. The yearly gym membership you paid for that you hardly never used. The new year resolutions that you gave up on. Let it all go!

Let us all focus on the present moment. Lets only focus on today. We want you to take each day as it comes. Take it day by day by focusing on what you can do today! Don't focus on what you have to do tomorrow or next week, (believe us, we are both guilty of this sometimes) be in the now. What can you do today that will move you closer towards your fitness and health goals?

Past mistakes are part of being a human being. But often times us humans keep repeating them. This is called the definition of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over and again and expecting a different result.

Lets switch gears. If you follow us on social media we keep referring back to meditation. Why? Because our meditation seems to be the only thing that keeps us present. If you just closed your eyes for one minute and concentrated on breathing deep for that one minute, that right there is keeping you present. So the question is why don’t more people meditate? Well, we will tell you why most people don’t meditate. It is because that quiet moment whether it be one minute or 10 minutes can literally freak us out! We in the western world are so used to busyness, lots of nose and things that get our attention like our cell phones and social media. Information is flying at us one hundred miles per hour. We have zero time for ourselves. We are always getting side tracked.

Social media is what we call a blessing and a curse. We are never present with our cell phones around. We have made a conscious effort to not look at our phones when we wake up. Normally it is the first thing we do as a society when we wake up. In a way it is kind of like turning on the TV first thing in the morning. It is like we are in a trance like state with no thought behind it. We just go straight to our phones or switch on the TV or both.

Our advice to you reading this is to not touch your phone and do not turn on the TV first thing in the morning. In fact the night before you go to bed. Put your phone on airplane mode so when you wake up in the morning you wont see any notifications on your phone which will mean you wont be tempted to to see your notifications. Plus, your phone wont be going off in your sleep either.

Our suggestion to you is when you wake up in the morning, go to the washroom and restore your personal comfort (good idea right, don't hold it in) then do your 5 to 20 minutes of meditation. This is your time to be present. Don't worry if your mind starts to wonder. If you keep hearing about mediation everywhere you go then that is a clear sign for you to start. We often get clues from the universe on what to do but most of the time we completely ignore these signs.

We just have to be mindful and thoughtful day to day. Be present with yourself, do your mediation. Be present with people and especially with the people you love and care about. Give them your undivided attention and put down your phone! But it all starts with you, so be aware of your habits.

Troy & Jasmine

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