You're not hardcore if you cant do the basics.
. we go... Another new weight loss diet approach, another new workout style has hit the

market, rest pause sets, drop sets, cluster sets, high frequency, low volume. The list goes on and you wonder why you get analysis paralysis. Leading to no action taken, bouncing from one program to another and leaving your head spinning and you stuck.
Before you keep trying all the lastest fads, how about you try focusing on the basics with simple basic protocols you can do?
But apparently people tend to think the basics aren't good enough or "hard core". Wake up call... You are NOT "hardcore" by skipping the basics. And in fact are missing out on foundational elements in both training and nutrition.
Before you over complicate everything, we have a task for you. Get consistently good and apply all of things below before progressing forward.
Here goes:
* Clean up your nutrition
* 10,000 steps a day, move your body
* Eat veggies with every meal
* Eat protein with every meal
* Get out in nature and breath
* Watch less TV
* Meditate daily
* Lift weights 3 X week
* Read more books
* Find a hobby & give back to you
* Eat slightly below maintainance cals for healthy weight loss
* Find ways to laugh more often
*Surround yourself with people who elevate you and raise your self standards.
* Take basic supplements daily, like a good fish oil and multi vitamin.
Just do the basics, do them often and do them well before you try and over complicate everything.
If you can't be consistent with 1 thing, you have no business adding more.
The starting and stopping mentality is what is causing massive problems for you and why you probably don't have the body and health you want!
We all have to get back to basics and apply daily CONSISTENCY!
Troy & Jasmine :)
#2018 #thetroybrown #jasmineperks #TroyBrown #ifbbprotroybrown #joy #theapexlifepodcastshow #selfconfidence #selflove #toneup #personalonlinetrainer #onlinefitnesscoaches #thepersistencefactor #burnfat #fatloss #fitjaz #guvna #socialmedia #selfcare #summerglutes #bikini #bikini #flexyourmentalmuscle #mentor #menshealth #fitdads #fitover40 #leanmuscle #mindsetmeditation #grateful #gratitude #apex4life #teamapex #flattummy #wholeliving #discipline #success #bodyimage #bodytransformation #freedommindset #mindset #selftalk