I needed a different focus for today's workout. One thing I learned many years ago in my

competitive carer was, when things are feeling a little flat and my training feels stagnate, I would travel and go to different gyms. Getting into a new environment and new energy can help you get a new lease of life in your workouts again. This could be a great idea for everyone?
The 45 minute drive was well worth it because it worked like a charm. I had one of my best leg workouts in a very long time.
Here was the entire workout just for you.
Note: I increased weight for each set
10 Minutes Bike warm up
10 minutes of foam rolling and mobility
A1: Leg Extension - 4 sets 12-15 reps
A2: Lying Leg Curl - 4 sets 10-12 reps
B1: Leg Press - 4 sets 12 reps - Tempo 3010
last set was to failure
Feet lower on platform
C1: Hack Squat - 4 sets 8-10 reps - Tempo 3010
last set was to failure
D1: Squat Machine - 3 Sets - 10 reps - Tempo 3010
Last set to positive failure
E1: Standing Single Leg Curl - 4 sets - 12 reps - Tempo 2011
E2: Body weight walking Lunges - 4 set - 50 total reps - Tempo 2010
F1: Single Leg Extension - 2 sets - 15 reps - Tempo 2011
Last set was to failure
Note: After Leg press (B1) did 1 set of Single leg Press - 12 reps (bilateral)
Post stretch for 10 minutes.
Give it a try and let me know how it goes.
Troy Guv'na Brown :)
PS, Follow Jasmine and I on Instagram as we share lots of nutrition and training ideas for you.
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