F-U getting old!
Become your own before and after!

We are both slowing down the aging process and you can do it too!
We both feel like we are in are 20's. Jasmine is 37 and Troy is 42! We refuse to slow down, in fact we both want to do more!
Any chance we both get, we like to move. Going to the gym is great but we advice people and our amazing clients to still keep active outside of the gym. Any chance you get to move, take it!
Our key secret is we walk ever where! Now that the good weather is coming we are going to

spend even more time out doors!
(Also a great way to lower stress levels)
Here are our Top 13 fundamentals that we do everyday to stay lean, fit and healthy year round. Feel free to copy and pass along and share with others.
1. We walk a lot, in fact everyday. As much as possible
2. We practice intermittent fasting on a daily basis
3. Weight train 5 days a week
4. Mobility and stretch everyday
5. Meditate every morning
6. Cold showers every morning to help with inflammation and add recovery -
(Troy more so than Jaz)
7. We love what we do as our carer (online coaches and serving people from all over the world)
8. Apple cider vinegar every morning with a pint of water
9. Mostly eat organic foods as much as we can
10. We eat two meals a day
11. Our meat is of the highest quality all grass fed and mostly organic
12 We have a sauna at home so we may have up 5 session in the sauna per week
(a great way to detoxify)
13. Always making sure we take our daily supplements every day
14. We eat a ton of veggies everyday!
Just by you using some of these daily tactics you can really kick anti aging right in the face!
Did you catch last weeks blog? Here is the link en case you missed it:
Stay strong!
Jasmine & Troy
#antiaging #2019 #summer2019 #troybrown #summerbody #getfit #summerabs #summerglutes #fitcouples #jasmineperks #losefat #fatloss #loseweight #stress #depressed #fitover40 #fitover30 #getlean #buildmuscle #weighttraining #cardio #thepersistencefactor #guvna #sexlife #fitnessentrepreneur #globalonlinefitness #personalonlinetrainer #onlinecoach