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Your FREE fat loss 4 week workout!

Apex Physiques

We have put

hundreds of clients through

our giant set programs and they seem to get people to burn fat in a shorter space of time. Giant sets are challenging but also fun and never get boring. Giant sets also help with building lean muscle and remember having more muscle is like fat burning incinerators so the more muscle you add to your body the more calories you body will burn day after day. Yes ladies do not be scared of building a little lean muscle. You wont look like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

SECRET: Adding muscle is one of the best ways to lose fat and keep it off forever!

Our way of executing giant sets consist of four rounds, 10 repetitions for four exercises working one muscle group. An example for legs would be:

-Body Weight Squats


-Step Ups

-Swiss Ball Hamstring Rolls

The key thing for us when it comes to giant sets is to bounce from exercise to exercise with no rest in-between. If you really need a pit stop make sure you only have a 10 second time cap between movements. It will take a couple of weeks for you to really get in the groove but once you do you are going to love how you feel. Just hang in there for the first two weeks.

Here is a workout schedule and a giant set workout we designed for you below.

Your Workout Schedule

Monday - Chest & Arms

Tuesday - Cardio

Wednesday - Back & Shoulders

Thursday - Cardio

Friday - Legs & core

Saturday - Rest Day (stretch day and do your 10,000 steps)

Sunday - Cardio

Monday - Chest & Arms Day 1

30 minute time cap

Warm Up 5-10 minutes with cardio

Exercises (3-4 rounds)

Dumbbell Press 10 reps

Dumbbell Flys 10 reps

Push Ups 10 reps

(take a 3 min break break)

Arms (3 rounds)

Tricep Dips 10 reps

Barbell Curls 10 reps

Dumbbell Skull Crushers 10 reps

Standing Hammer Curls 10 reps

Note: At the end of each round rest for one full minute.

Tuesday - Cardio (can be done anytime of day)

Intervals (select one of the following)

Skipping 1 minute on with one minute rest - 10 rounds

Jog for 1 minute walk for one minute - 8-10 rounds

Row for 1 minute rest for one minute - 8-10 rounds

Wednesday - Back & Shoulders

Exercises (3-4 rounds)

30 minute time cap

Straight Arm Pull Down 10 reps

Supported One Arm Row 10 reps

Lat Pull Down 10 reps

Take a 3 min break

Standing Dumbbell Press 10 reps

Front to Side Lateral Raises 10 reps

Bent Over Lateral Raises 10 reps

Note: At the end of each round rest for one full minute.

Thursday - (can be done anytime of day)

Intervals (select one of the following)

Skipping 1 minute on with one minute rest - 10 rounds

Jog for 1 minute walk for one minute - 8-10 rounds

Row for 1 minute rest for one minute - 8-10 rounds

Friday - Legs and Core

Exercises (3-4 rounds)

30 minute time cap

Body Weight squat 10 reps

Body Weight Reverse Lunge 10 reps each leg

Lying Hamstring Swiss Roll 10 reps

Plank Holds (hold for 30-40 sec)

Note: At the end of each round rest for one full minute

Saturday - Complete Rest - Relax

Sunday - Cardio & Core

Steady State cardio for 30 mins Brisk Walk outside in nature

Plank Holds 3 sets Hold 30-40 seconds

Side Plank Holds 3 sets 30 sec each side

Before you start any workout. Make sure you spend a good 10 minutes warm up. Also make sure you cool down for 5 minutes post workout.

We would love your feed back if you are doing this program and to see if you have any questions. Email us at

Much love,

Troy & Jasmine :)

PS, Due to the high volume of emails Troy & Jasmine receive on a daily basis. It may take up to a week for them to reply back to you.

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