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Are you getting paid?

It is often a challenge to find a topic for Jasmine and I next blog, the more I actively think

about it the more elusive the topic becomes. Working out always clears my

mind; it allows the unencumbered flow of thoughts and ideas, that is when

inspiration comes.

The other day while working out at the gym, I was watching people come in

from their day at work, suddenly it hit me.....if most people committed to the

health of their own bodies like they do their actual job then we would see a lot

more healthy people in great shape. 

With a job you show up rain or shine, you can’t say I’m not in the mood or I am

too tired, you get yourself up and out to work, your compensation for doing this is

the paycheque at the end of the week. We need to apply this commitment to

looking after ourselves, remember you are the boss. If you don't show up at the

gym you won’t get paid. If you don't show up in the kitchen and prepare healthy

meals you won’t get paid. You may ask how you are paid for this work. The

results you see and the way you feel getting and staying in shape is the best

paycheque ever!

What you focus on grows what you give energy to will grow. By giving energy

and time to your workouts, and preparing healthy meals you will find results will

flow through you. You will be keeping the boss (you) healthy and happy!

Have some fun with this and don't let yourself of the hook.

Commitment to your fitness and health will result in a clear mind and a healthy body. Stick to the promise you make to yourself, you won’t regret it!

Troy & Jasmine :)



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